Sophie Delauney

Sophie Delauney



Tel: +33 (0)1 40 16 70 00


Sophie Delauney is a jurist at Plasseraud IP Internet & Data. She mainly works in the fields of digital law and personal data law. Her work consists of managing clients' domain name portfolios, their protection, defense, valuation, and all related procedures. Sophie also works on issues related to personal data (audits, compliance, drafting of information notices and contractual documentation, etc.). Her expertise allows her to negotiate and draft all kinds of legal documents, project audits, and to intervene in cases of litigation concerning the liability of digital innovation actors. She is in charge of legal and technological monitoring on these subjects. Before joining Plasseraud IP, she worked for five years in a law firm and ten years in a large publishing company where she was in charge of intellectual property rights management. Sophie joined Plasseraud IP in 2022.

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Domain names (search, registration, renewal, monitoring, purchase, dispute resolution)
Copyright issues, including software protection
Blockchain, NFT


D.U. Law & Management of Data Security, University of Montpellier 

Magistère in Information and Communication Technology Law, University of Poitiers 

DEUG in Law, University of Caen


Französisch, Englisch, Spanisch