
Discover the diversity of Plasseraud IP's talents

Discover the diversity of Plasseraud IP's talents

Convinced that diversity is the strength of our group, at Plasseraud IP we want to highlight the richness of our talents.

Diversity enriches our working environment and strengthens our ability to innovate and respond to the growing complexity of the challenges to which intellectual property responds. Every voice, every perspective contributes to shaping a dynamic corporate culture where everyone can flourish.

International Women's Rights Day 2024: Celebrating fundamental values

To mark International Women's Rights Day on March 8, 2024, we highlighted our core values of commitment, diversity, humanity, openness and excellence.

Through a series of video portraits, discover some of our female employees who illustrate the diversity of backgrounds and expertise at Plasseraud IP. 

  • Cécile DESCAMPS – French Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney
  • Charlotte LELEU - Partner, French Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, UPC Representative
  • Ina SCHREIBER – Partner, French Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, German Patent Attorney, UPC Representative 
  • Charlotte JUTEAU – European Patent Attorney
  • Laurence LOUMES - French Patent Attorney, European Patent Attorney, Qualified as US Patent Agent, Qualified as Canadian Patent Agent, UPC representative

These individual testimonials are a demonstration of our commitment to an inclusive corporate culture, which works to simultaneously satisfy each employee's need to belong and to be unique.

Our 2024 talents

The Plasseraud IP Group is also a business services team, comprising the usual departments of a professional organization: human resources, finance, communications, IT and general services. 
50 women and men implement the Group's strategy, and among them we are pleased to welcome interns on a regular basis. 

Discover the video portrait of our intern:

  •  Ilian Annaghbou, 17 years old, student in Bac Pro AMA (Artisanat et Métiers d'Art) and intern in May and June 2024 in the Communication and Business Development department.

Balance and inclusive leadership

We are committed to a fair balance between women and men at all levels of the company:

  1. Executive Committee: gender balance
  2. Partners: Half of our sector practice groups are headed by womentact us!
  3. Expertise and offices: shared leadership

Half of our experts are women: 

Our regional and international offices are headed by women, or in pairs:

Initiatives to foster diversity and inclusion 

Plasseraud IP is actively committed to greater diversity in science and innovation, notably through partnerships and mentoring programs.

Since the start of the 2023-2024 academic year, we have entered into a partnership with the Association des Maisons des Jeunes Talents to support their initiatives aimed at high school students from modest backgrounds, and to promote opportunities for young people in the fields of excellence that are the grandes écoles, through a mentoring program.

As a member of the Association Française des Managers de la Diversité (AFMD), one of France's leading associations promoting diversity, Plasseraud IP regularly exchanges best practices with diversity managers from member organizations, including companies, institutions, public bodies, local authorities, and associations. 
and associations. 

Plasseraud IP's management is particularly committed to preventing discrimination, respecting equal opportunities, and promoting diversity, including in recruitment procedures. 

After providing intercultural management training for partners, directors, and team managers in 2023, Plasseraud IP extended this awareness-raising project in 2024 by organizing an internal event for all employees. In partnership with the AFMD, this event focused on the challenges of creating an inclusive company - a workplace where the employee's need to belong and to be unique are simultaneously satisfied. 

Leadership and recognition

Our efforts to promote diversity are recognized internationally, notably through prestigious rankings and collaborations in the field of intellectual property.

Cyra Nargolwalla, one of the four members of the Executive Committee, brings this commitment to several professional organizations, including the Diversity in Innovation Committee of the Association of Intellectual Property Owners (IPO), the Bureau of the AIPPI D&I Advisory Committee within the CNCPI, and the Diversity and Inclusion Policy Working Group of the Institute of Professional Representatives before the European Patent Office (EPI). Cyra participated in setting up the D&I Charter recently adopted by this representative body of European patent attorneys, and is also co-author of a white paper published by the IPO: White Paper on European Diversity in IP.

Increasingly, diversity is part of the rating criteria of legal practitioner ranking publications, which recognize our group as one of Europe's top IP firms. For example, in 2023, Managing IP, the industry's leading magazine, will rank Cyra Nargolwalla, partner and member of the executive committee, in its Top 250 worldwide, while World Intellectual Property Review regularly places Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer, partner in charge of the legal department, member of the executive committee and President of the CNCPI, at the top of its Influential Women in IP ranking.

Surveys carried out by these publications among in-house professionals and our colleagues reveal that our clients and partners particularly appreciate the richness of the cultures within our teams, as some testimonials show:

Plasseraud IP offers an excellent level of service and demonstrates in-depth trademark knowledge. Its advice is solid and practical, and response times are rapid. In addition, the team is internationally oriented and communicates smoothly with other countries, making it easy for non-Europeans to understand the nuances of European trademark law.

Their diverse and talented team and forward-facing solutions make them a top choice for potential clients. I have full confidence that anyone seeking their services would be impressed by these strengths.”

An ongoing commitment, join us! 

We are actively working to shape a working environment where inclusion is not just an ambition, but a tangible and rewarding reality.

The 400 people who make up our group carry these values of commitment and excellence into their daily work in the innovation ecosystem. 

Would you like to find out more about career opportunities within our teams?

Would you like to contribute to our ambition to protect and grow ideas for responsible, sustainable innovation?

Consult our job offers and contact us!

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