Atsuya Takeshita

Atsuya Takeshita is a Japanese Industrial Property Attorney at Plasseraud IP. He is Head of the Japan Team in Paris since 2009 and advises Japanese clients in their patent filing procedures with European bodies. He has a degree of the aeronautics and astronautics of the University of Tokyo and  started his career as an engineer and project manager in the space industry (International Space Station Program (NASA/JAXA)).

Romain Biannic

Romain Biannic is a Patent Engineer at Plasseraud IP. He specialises in the fields of AI, IT, and mechanics.
He is also experienced in Virtual, Augmented and Mixed Reality.
His work consists in understanding the clients' inventions in order to draft patents and to defend them against other patents.
His different educational backgrounds have allowed him to acquire a certain knowledge in his fields of expertise. He is now training as a Patent Engineer at Plasseraud IP.
Romain joined Plasseraud IP in September 2022.

Gaëlle Windal

Gaëlle Windal is a French and European Patent Attorney in the Paris office of Plasseraud IP, where she advises clients in the IT sector on the development and management of their patent portfolio.

Right to patent in France - Non-employed inventors

Newsletter January 2022
Written by and
Non-employed inventors

Two new articles of the French Law, in force since December 2021, provide the automatic devolution of economic rights of intellectual property on software and their documentation (L113-9-1