BREXIT: implications for IP

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Article Plasseraud IP

The roller coaster ride of speculation and negotiation is set to continue for several more months as Article 50 has now been extended until 31 October 2019.

Shao Sam

Sam Shao received his Bachelor Degree in Mechanical Engineering from Shanghai University, a 211 Leading Academic Discipline Project Education Program in China. Prior to joining Cabinet Plasseraud’s Shanghai office, Plasseraud IP Limited (Shanghai) in 2012, Sam worked as an intern with Shanghai Shen-Mei Beverage & Food Co., Ltd. (Coca-Cola Shanghai) in Device Department, in 2011. And Sam worded as an intern with Parker Hannifin (Shanghai) in Global Sourcing Department, in 2011.

Hiromi Sakata-Delhon

Hiromi Sakata-Delhon is an IP Legal Assistant at Plasseraud IP. She assists IP attorneys and other professionals on a variety of tasks focused on patent prosecution matters. She is also in charge of communicating with Japanese patent firms and companies. Previously she had experienced various business fields in Japan and France, she started her career as an assistant in an IP law firm in Paris. She joined Plasseraud IP in 2019.

Hochereau Dominique

Dominique Hochereau worked on experimental systems for hydrogen storage applied to fuel cells and NiMH batteries at the Université Paris Sud. He later went to the Université Catholique de Louvain where he worked on solid-fluid mixing modelling. He then undertook R&D projects at the Dow Corning company technology center near Brussels. his research was geared towards an optimization of industrial mixers for extrusion processes of silicone polymers. Dominique Hochereau joined Plasseraud IP in 2008.

Sophie Métais

Sophie Métais is a Patent Search Specialist at Plasseraud IP since 2009. She is in charge of searches in the fields of Chemistry and Life Sciences. She spent six years as a Patent Examiner at the European Patent Office (The Hague) where she was in charge of prior art searches and patent prosecution in the field of electrochemical power sources.