
Cyra Nargolwalla, Isabelle Labarre
Biology Chemistry, Patents
Antibody patenting: Plasseraud IP contributes to a comprehensive guide on the subject
Antibodies are necessary tools in medicine and biotechnology, they are used in therapy, diagnostics (...)
Press Review
Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer
How Europe Can Position Itself on the Global Patent Scene
On July 31, 2019, Les Echos published a column written by Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer, Intellectual (...)
Isabelle Magnin-Feysot
Biology Chemistry
Suffisance de description : la fin de l’exception « anticorps » aux Etats-Unis
  An antibody can traditionally be described in multiple ways: According to the functional (...)
Nathalie Wajs
Patents, Biology Chemistry
Brésil : comment l'Office envisage de réduire drastiquement le backlog dans l'examen des demandes de brevet
How the Brazilian Patent and Trademark Office (BPTO) envisions making drastic reductions in the (...)
Actualité sur la Juridiction Unifiée des Brevets (JUB)
France adopted a law on December 30, 2017 authorizing the ratification of the protocol on (...)
By Geoffroy Cousin The Agreement on the Unified Patent Court (AUPC) and the European Patent with (...)