
Cyra Nargolwalla sur les avantages et les inconvénients des systèmes de facturation électronique dans les cabinets, dans Managing IP

Cyra Nargolwalla on the pros and cons of e-billing systems in firms, in Managing IP

In a recent Managing IP article, Cyra Nargolwalla, Managing Partner at Plasseraud IP in Paris, shares her insights on the growing use of e-billing systems by firms and the challenges they present.
Cyra highlights the advantages of e-billing, noting that these systems make it easier to track invoices and facilitate conversations with clients about payments. She emphasizes the importance of proper training for billing staff to prevent errors, such as missing purchase order numbers, which are common reasons for rejected invoices.
“It’s not fair to blame clients when a bill is rejected because the uploader didn’t follow due process,” she explains. “Firms must ensure their paralegals and billing staff are thoroughly trained to avoid these issues.”
Cyra also stresses the importance of proactive communication: “If you spot an issue with an invoice, flag it immediately. Don’t wait until we have raised several invoices with the same problem.”
Read the full article: "Evolve or die: how law firms navigate e-billing challenges" (for subscribers only)

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