Plasseraud IP at the 4th Pharma & Biotech Patent Litigation Europe Summit in Amsterdam
Plasseraud IP Amsterdam had the privilege of attending the 4th Pharma & Biotech Patent (...)
La Roumanie rejoint le système du Brevet Unitaire et la Juridiction Unifiée du Brevet
As of September 1, 2024, Romania has officially become the 18th member of the Unitary Patent (UP) (...)
Press Review
Ina Schreiber
Plasseraud IP et la Juridiction Unifiée du Brevet (JUB) dans Les Echos Capital Finance
Ina Schreiber, Partner, is quoted in an article in LesEchos.fr, published on September 22 2023, and (...)
Press Review
Cyra Nargolwalla
Early feedback on UPC: Cyra Nargolwalla quoted in Managing IP
Cyra Nargolwalla, Managing Partner, is quoted in a Managing IP article about the UPC and the first (...)
Sandrine Bouvier-Ravon
Avocats, Patents
Procédure devant la JUB : quel(s) traitement(s) pour les demandes de brevet ?
It has been a busy time for patent attorneys registered with the Unified Patent Court ("UPC"), (...)
JUB : optimisation du processus d'opt-out par API
The Unified Patent Court has announced yesterday that an optimized API opt-out process will be in (...)
JUB : les utilisateurs invités à tester les fonctionnalités de la « Sunrise period » du CMS
A practice session will be held by the Unified Patent Court from 13 to 24 February 2023 for (...)
JUB : la « Sunrise Period » reportée au 1er mars 2023
The timeline of the Sunrise Period is postponed for two months and will start on 1 March 2023, the (...)
Newsletter March 2022
Bertrand Loisel
Unified Patent Court
The Unified Patent Court (UPC) Agreement signed in 2013 is a breakthrough for pan-European patent (...)
Press Review
Patents, Avocats
Plasseraud IP in JUVE Patent’s article about the UPC
JUVE Patent, a reference legal review dedicated to the European patent market, has analysed (...)
Press Review
Guylène Kiesel Le Cosquer
The Unified Patent (UPC) project, long- awaited by European professionals since 2013, has just (...)
Newsletter January 2020
Louis Lavigne, Ina Schreiber
Unified Patent Court
Update 27/03/2020 - On March 20, 2020, the German Constitutional Court announced its decision on (...)