
翻訳 : 竹下敦也
大阪・東京にて主に電気機器及び情報通信業勤務。渡仏後、通訳翻訳等を経てフランスの特許事務所に勤務。2019年からPlasseraud IPに勤務。日本顧客とのコミュニケーションと日仏英の知財全般翻訳、特許管理手続、期限管理等を行う。
東京の大手特許事務所の翻訳部に勤務。渡仏後、言語学学士・修士号を取得し、2000年からPlasseraud IPに勤務。日本顧客とのコミュニケーションと日仏英の特許商標知財全般翻訳、特許管理手続、期限管理等を行う。
Joaquim Li is a French and European Patent Attorney at Plasseraud IP. He specialises in drafting and obtaining patents in the field of chemistry, in particular organic chemistry, polymer science, food processing and paper technology.
Guy Le Falher began his carrer in an IP firm near Paris in 2002. He joined Plasseraud IP in 2007 and focuses on the fields of the consumer products (writing implements, packaging) and automobile industry, for which he carries out patent prosecution proceedings, freedom to operate and invalidity studies.
Jean-Luc Hartmann joined a French IP firm in 1993, after working as an engine fitter for a German company. He moved to Toulouse in 2000 and advises clients in the mechanics and electronics sector. He in particular works on patent filings in the aeronautical and construction industries as well as in the automotive industrie. He joined PLASSERAUD IP in 2011.
Jean-Paul Ameline is a Patent Attorney at Plasseraud IP. He specializes in telecommunications, computer science, electronics and signal processing. He worked in another IP firm before joining Plasseraud IP in 2013. He has more than 15 years of experience as IP Manager, Senior IP Counsel, and IP Manager for large telecommunications equipment supply groups. He has extensive experience in patent transactions with a focus on licenses, divestitures, M & A transactions, technology licenses and R&D agreements.
Patrice spent 10 years at Hutchinson’s. He was Chief Engineer in a Research Centre and managed an advanced Engineering team in the automative anti-vibration development. During this experience, he discovered the fields of competitor benchmarking, technological watches and industrial property. He joined Plasseraud IP in 2005. Patrice specializes in the fields of mechanics, acoustics, electronics and signal processing as well as patent prosecution.