Focus: Claim drafting – My claim is rejected for missing an essential element
The EP standpoint
A claim, whether initially filed or as an amendment, (...)
Climate change has emerged as a global crisis, with increasing reports of climate-related catastrophes such as typhoons, extreme (...)
It has been a busy time for patent attorneys registered with the Unified Patent Court ("UPC"), totally overwhelmed by the large number of “opt-out” (...)
判決はハーグ地方部(LD)により2024年11月29日に出された [1] 。 この事件は、2つのスタートアップ企業間の係争に関わるものである:オランダのPlant-e (...)
UP/UPCの運用開始から1年半が経過し、UPCによる有効性と侵害の評価も一般に好意的に受け止められている印象があり、また、有効性と侵害の審理を同時に扱うことにより、仮差止手続は2週から3ヶ月、本案訴訟も12ヶ月で判決がでつつあるなど、効率的で迅速な審理が実現しつつあります。 (...)
Focus: Claim requirements – Conforming a US-style claim set to EPO practice
The EP standpoint
The European Patent Convention (EPC) contains several (...)
Focus: The divisional Application
If you want to protect different aspects of an invention described in an initial EP patent application, or if an (...)
Focus: After filing – How my patent is granted at the EPO
Now that I have filed my application at the European Patent Office (EPO), what happens? (...)
In a decision issued on November 21, 2023, the UK High Court overturned a previous ruling by the UK Patent Office, which had rejected a patent (...)
Focus: Claim examination – My claim is rejected for lacking an inventive step
My claim received objection from a European Examiner because it “cannot (...)
Focus: Claim drafting – My claim is rejected for missing an essential element
The EP standpoint
A claim, whether initially filed or as an amendment, (...)
Climate change has emerged as a global crisis, with increasing reports of climate-related catastrophes such as typhoons, extreme (...)
It has been a busy time for patent attorneys registered with the Unified Patent Court ("UPC"), totally overwhelmed by the large number of “opt-out” (...)
判決はハーグ地方部(LD)により2024年11月29日に出された [1] 。 この事件は、2つのスタートアップ企業間の係争に関わるものである:オランダのPlant-e (...)
UP/UPCの運用開始から1年半が経過し、UPCによる有効性と侵害の評価も一般に好意的に受け止められている印象があり、また、有効性と侵害の審理を同時に扱うことにより、仮差止手続は2週から3ヶ月、本案訴訟も12ヶ月で判決がでつつあるなど、効率的で迅速な審理が実現しつつあります。 (...)
Focus: Claim requirements – Conforming a US-style claim set to EPO practice
The EP standpoint
The European Patent Convention (EPC) contains several (...)
Focus: The divisional Application
If you want to protect different aspects of an invention described in an initial EP patent application, or if an (...)
Focus: After filing – How my patent is granted at the EPO
Now that I have filed my application at the European Patent Office (EPO), what happens? (...)
In a decision issued on November 21, 2023, the UK High Court overturned a previous ruling by the UK Patent Office, which had rejected a patent (...)
Focus: Claim examination – My claim is rejected for lacking an inventive step
My claim received objection from a European Examiner because it “cannot (...)
Focus: Claim drafting – My claim is rejected for missing an essential element
The EP standpoint
A claim, whether initially filed or as an amendment, (...)
Climate change has emerged as a global crisis, with increasing reports of climate-related catastrophes such as typhoons, extreme (...)
It has been a busy time for patent attorneys registered with the Unified Patent Court ("UPC"), totally overwhelmed by the large number of “opt-out” (...)